I spent the last week of October in Clyde River and
Qikiqtarjuaq for the double court circuit. This was my first time visiting both
communities. The first stop was
Clyde River.
Afternoon light at the airport, shortly after we arrived. |
The picture below is a view of the town, taken from the
Hamlet Building on Saturday, a little after 10 a.m., just before clients began arriving to meet
with me to prepare their cases for court. As you can tell from the light
levels, Clyde River is pretty far north. The posts poking out of the snow in
the foreground are supports for the new Hamlet Building to be constructed next
While in Clyde River, the court party stayed at the
Piqqusilirivvikcultural school which hosts non-student guests when
there are rooms available. I’d been warned about staying at the other option, the
Qamaq Hotel, an apparently terrible place even by arctic hospitality standards. Fortunately for us they were closed for much-needed renovations. I’m grateful that the
culture school was able to accommodate us. It was a beautiful, comfortable and cheerful place to stay. I
only wish that there had been more time to explore and learn more about the
traditional skills that are being taught there.
The culture school is a little bit out of town, about a 20-minute walk down a partially empty stretch of road. Before I left Iqaluit, one of my colleagues who had been on Clyde River circuits before warned me to watch out for polar bears when out walking. Bears do sometimes go to that area, but this time none had been seen in recent weeks. So I’m very happy to report that in addition to getting some good results in court, I achieved another important goal that I set for the Clyde River court circuit: avoid getting eaten.
It was overcast most of the time so I didn’t get too many good pictures. Also, the days were short, and my working hours were much longer.
The scenic walk near the water to the RCMP detachment to meet with an in-custody accused. |
Inside the community hall, where court was held. Unfortunately we were too busy to squeeze in a game of pool. |
Do I
Wanna Know? – Arctic
Only – Nine Inch Nails